What Is the Process of Speed up Video Playback with Adobe Flash Player?

Adobe is one of the most reputed software manufacturers in the world, bagging reputation of creating plenty of essential tools or applications that people use on daily basis. Adobe users may come across various paid and free versions of the software. Among those applications, Flash player is quite famous. This basic tool should be installed to view online videos or other multimedia files. It is a free app and it can be installed with ease. Users may face some technical glitches too with this tool. When those glitches are faced, you should call Adobe support phone number +353-768887727.

Adobe flash player

You may notice that video playback may get slow. To speed up, you may make some changes or alterations to the settings. Generally, the software manufacturer recommends that you should not use hardware accelerated scaling for video playback. To speed up video playback, you need to follow steps that are mentioned below.

1. First of all, turn on your computer and also connect to the internet.

2. Now, open your web browser that you use on regular basis. Using any standard web browser would help. For example, you can use Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome, etc.

3. Now, type URL of video streaming website and play a file.

4. Now, move the cursor anywhere on the video and right click on it. This will open up a few options on screen and from those options, you need to choose “Settings”. This will open up a new dialogue box which comes with plenty of tabs.

5. Go to the tab which has been named as “Display”.

6. Now, under this tab, you need to search for the option that carries the message “Enable Hardware Acceleration”. As soon as you find it, you shall notice a small box at the left side of this option. If the box is checked with a tick mark, you need to uncheck it.

7. Now, hit “Close” and then press “OK” to save your changes in settings.

8. Now, close browser and then open it again after few seconds. As you open browser, you need to load the video once again. This time you shall surely enjoy faster playback than earlier.

For more information, you should call Adobe phone number Ireland +353-768887727 for the best form of help or assistance.



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